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Bill McEwen - December 23, 2000

Executive Update - Looking Back

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to one and all:

Wow, have we been a blessed company. On December 27, 1999 we executed our agreement with Gateway, and January 3rd 2000 was our first day of business.

In one year we have been able to release an upgrade to the AmigaOS (3.9, with our partners Haage and Partner), we have announced and released two versions of the SDK for the New AmigaDE (Digital Environment), we have released the AmigaOne specification and announced two partners in building these new machines, (bPlan, and Eyetech).

Yes this has been an amazing year.

As we look back upon these last 12 months, there have been many lessons learned, and it is with these new lessons that we will be moving into 2001, with clear focus, and numerous new announcements and deals. Yes, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas will be great fun for Amigans around the world, for it is here that the rest of the world will begin to learn what you already know! :-)

At this time of remembrance and thanks, we are also reminded of our friends that we have lost. Coz, Bob Cosby is very missed and we think of him, and pray daily for his wife Marsha. It has been the most sobering event for Amiga, and it helped us to remember that Family is what makes Amiga great. We are looking to add many new members to the Amiga family this year.

This year has been hard for us in other ways also: the stock market has certainly hindered our ability to raise the capital we wanted to accelerate our plans, and many of us have had to endure financial hardships making the dream of Amiga a reality. The Amiga team is together, and moving ahead quickly towards this new and exciting year.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and for everyone hanging in there with us.

We are truly a blessed company.

I want to personally wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year.

God Bless,

Bill McEwen, and the rest of the Amiga Team

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